The partner API can be used to integrate bingo multiplayer games into your own server. It allows you to use a quota of the network’s games for your own server. Requesting a bingo game for your server’s use can be done using the API.

Bingo games can be customized to fit your needs. Custom game options, cards, branding, and connection addresses can all be implemented easily.



A basic REST API is available to create and remove servers. Authenticate every request with the api key as the Api-Key header. Use as a the base API URL.

A server’s state can have one of three values:

Connecting to a server

Connecting to a server should be as easy as adding the ip + port to your Minecraft server proxy software. You should handle sending players to the server yourself.

Bungeecord users should turn IP forwarding on. Velocity users should set their forwarding to ‘legacy’.